Table of Contents

Slide Deck

Making Insurance Easy - A UX Case Study

Research Plan

User Interviews

Research Debrief

Hoken Card Sorting

Feature Roadmap

Product Requirements

Usability Test Planning


Hoken needs more users to select their insurance plans to own a larger share of the insurance market. To do that, Hoken needs to tap into the market of young users and build a digital e-commerce site.


Hoken has been in the business for over 30 years. They have been working through regional agents, selling the policies to them instead of directly to customers. However, with the rise of the internet and personal devices, Hoken has been losing ground. They have 350+ separate offerings. Instead of fully customized options, they sell prepared packages. This allows them to be more efficient and keep their rates lower than the competitors. We need to bring these efficient packages to the younger market.


Convert a complicated subject matter (insurance) into an easy method to attract young users to purchase insurance.