Remote supports our employees' development and growth within our organization and each employee drives their own development and growth. The role of a manager and the company is to support you and the direction you want to go in by removing obstacles, making connections and enabling you to grow. We've developed an organization-wide career paths blueprint. Career paths are built so you can take ownership of your own career growth and manage expectations for every step of the way. The route each employee may take will vary and most career paths are not linear, think of a career journey as a jungle gym/lattice - sometimes you go up, across and even down to get to where you want to be. Each move gives you something that will help you grow and each experience will add value 💫

How to use this page

Consider this page as a guide. It shows you various directions and paths that you can take and it shows you competencies and critical skills that are required for roles. Leverage this information and use it to partner with your manager on your own career development plan. Check out our ‘Developing Your Career’ Learning Hub or start your own development plan using this template

Every role impacts the company and yourself in different ways:

Remote Career Paths Blueprint

<aside> 🛣️ To create your team career path, make a copy of this template and once populated, add here


Schermata 2023-10-19 alle 16.04.57.png

<aside> ❗ Be Aware: Some of the information in this page regarding leveling may be outdated. The revision of this pages and subpages are currently WIP


<aside> 🛣️ Remote Team Specific Career Paths


<aside> 🏉 Remote Department Competencies
