<aside> 💡 At Remote, we are committed to supporting employees' development and growth. We understand that a key factor in achieving this goal is the presence of a consistent company-wide Job Architecture, that ensures everyone within Remote has a common and equitable understanding of role scope, responsibilities and expectations.

We rely on the Radford methodology, a trusted leader in the tech industry, to ensure that we assess all our roles accurately based on their scope and impact. This consistent alignment with the Radford framework enables us to make more meaningful comparisons with the market, helping us stay competitive in the industry.


What is a Job Architecture?

Job Architecture is an essential organizational framework that plays a pivotal role in structuring and managing our various roles at Remote. It serves as the backbone for other processes and is designed based on scope of roles, responsibilities, complexity and impact.

<aside> 📊 Job Architecture and Leveling serve as the foundational framework, by mapping out all Job Levels at Remote and guaranteeing equitable expectations for each level across the company

Career Paths are then customized for each team (e.g. not all levels will exist in all departments), guiding employees as they advance in their careers within that team or function. [people] Career Paths


Our Job Architecture

1 - Job Families / Subfamilies

Job families are the broader categories that group together jobs with similar characteristics, while Subfamilies are subsets within job families, providing a more detailed breakdown of roles types.

2 - Roles structures that capture different types of role focus and accountability

Management Path (M) Individual Contributor (P) Individual Contributor (S)
Below Executive Management and normally responsible for managing people (accountable for hiring, performance and pay reviews of their teams)
Roles are focused on strategic decisions with financial impact on the company (increasingly with seniority) Individual contributors working with some degree of autonomy and flexibility over their daily work
Roles require creativity, innovation and advanced decision-making skills; may provide direction to other employees, depending on seniority Individual contributors working on completing tasks or activities supporting implementation of procedures.
Roles require some degree of autonomy, decision-making but with limited financial implications to the company. May provide direction to other employees with similar duties

3 - Job Levels, which represent different roles’ scope, complexity and impact

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Correlation between levels ⬆️

The diagram above is a Radford-based visualization, which illustrates the typical correlations that exist between levels, according to the market data. This framework is applicable company-wide as our compensation backend framework. However, it's important to acknowledge that not all levels will exist in all departments and this is not a company-wide career path. Consequently, there will be variations on the career paths per department/team, with this being the common framework. We encourage you to discuss with your manager what career progression looks like for your team and development opportunities.

Job Level Descriptors