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What we love about this handbook section

🖤 This is a great page for us that just covers so much about working life and culture at Linearity. Ethics, Collaboration, Meetings, Tooling, Communication. We loved that they’ve actually rolled some of this up into one page rather than breaking down into too many different pages, and it shows another way you could be inspired to approach talking about this information on a handbook. Awesome work from Linearity. 👏

****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: 🔗Linearity's full handbook


At Linearity we see autonomy as our secret sauce for success. We offer flexibility, not only in the work location but in working hours, too. We’re not tied down to a specific office location, but we do have a great one in Berlin. While some roles are specifically based in our HQ, others offer the flexibility to work remotely. Ultimately, it’s about getting things done and hitting the goals. This Ways of Working manual is designed to help our team collaborate effectively, prevent burnout, and motivate people to go the extra mile.

As we look ahead to the future, we recognize the need to adapt to diverse work preferences and circumstances. This is why we came up with the following three models:

  1. "Working from the Office": In this model, employees in specific roles or teams, specifically Marketing, People Ops, and Product Management/Design, are expected to be present at the office for a minimum of 3 days per week. This arrangement aims to foster a strong sense of team cohesion and facilitate efficient communication. The teams have the autonomy to pick the specific days when they will be present in the office but should agree on the dates as a team to get the benefit of collaboration. If team members in this model wish to work remotely for a maximum period of 3 months, we kindly request that they inform their direct manager, the responsible executive, and the People team in advance to obtain the necessary approval.
  2. “Flex” model: Designed for employees whose teams are not predominantly based in our office hubs. It provides freedom to choose whether or not to utilize the office space. While they are certainly welcome to make use of our office facilities, it is not expected of this group. This arrangement specifically applies to employees in Engineering roles who are located in Berlin.
  3. "Remote" model: Specifically designed for employees whose teams are fully distributed and who are not located in close proximity to any of our physical hubs. This model applies to all roles within Engineering, as well as other existing team members in Marketing, People, and Operations who were hired from locations outside of Berlin.

Outcome-based work culture

We measure success by the work accomplished and the impact each individual makes, not the hours spent in meetings or the speed of responding to messages.

Work ethics