Warm-Up Questions

Participant Occupation Age Gender Please take some time to browse the homepage, based on what you have seen - what words could you use to describe the homepage? Is there anything else you would change about the homepage? Please take some time to browse the donations page, based on what you have seen - what words could you use to describe the page? Is there anything else you would change about the donations page?
Participant 1 UX Designer 31 Male Desktop: I mean, it seems pretty simple. Pretty clean. You know, we have these different this kind of big macro cards here with water projects, and administrative expenses.

Mobile: It's clean and simple, but I do find the KPI cards wondering if they can be bigger or prominent. | Desktop: Making the tabulations a little bit bigger, I think would kind of then bring out to me, like, oh, there's tabulations. And turn to this graph right here. If you have like an actual number so this is like 40% or this is like percent, some type of like actual numbers here that would kind of help with this pie graph. Even this like expenses, donations active completed, maybe it would be interesting to experiment with like a bigger type there. Just so that looks a little bit more prominent to me.

Mobile: I might make these KPI cards here a little bit bigger. Because this card is so big, so I might make these cards a little bit. Bigger, just kind of take up a little bit more space. | Desktop: I like this page setup just kind of intuitively and clean so far. I like that we have multi-select right so I could like select all and send a thank you note to everybody all at one time. So I think that's really good. UX functionality there. We have our search bar, the ability to export to Excel which that's fantastic. Right there.

Mobile: It makes sense. For donations, I would try making an exact replica from the desktop, like the vertical scroll on the list for example. | Desktop: Well, I think like in Gmail or even Google Analytics, because for example, here, I have to go like I would have to click this five times to get to the fifth page. Whereas if I had auto-input in the middle where I could just type in Page Three or you know if this had 80 pages, right how to make this more kind of efficient for the user down here.

Mobile: Navigation hamburger up here. So this right here, you see how it kind of opens up and it's almost like at a 60% opening up and kind of like, I would actually potentially play with because this is kind of what I've seen a standard and, but just have this take up the entire width, like 100% with 100% view height.

Also maybe vertical scroll on the list. | | Participant 2 | UX Engineer | 35 | Male | Desktop: It feels very calm and cooling, which I mean, aligns with the water theme. I like the colors are simple, but I like the highlight of the yellow.

Mobile: The same for the most part, calm and cooling. | Desktop: Map and the search thing, I think one thing that I'm used to seeing as well as maybe like moving the search feature, if it's like a global search, trying to find like, find any project, I would move that search to like maybe the top right on the navbar itself so that you can access it at any time. Because if your route was for products or projects to me, I'd want to be able to do that anytime. Yeah. If you're trying to browse for projects that maybe you've contributed or helped with, contributed to, or helped with, then maybe instead, I might want to see a list of your existing projects right there.

So being able to change the range of the dates of the data is being displayed. Yeah. So that's kind of it's kind of one thing because it's like, right now it's sort of arbitrary to me is like, why is it just showing this year up until more or less the present moment or like, why are those date ranges being chosen? I don't really know. Either remove the dates because it's repetitive or add a date range filter so it connects to the KPI cards.

The search bar is longer than the above card.

Mobile: The margins on the tiles are too much, I think I would tighten that up. | Desktop: It also feels very calm and cool. Very Minimal color choices.

Mobile: The same, very calming. | Desktop: The spacing between at the very top of donors all and location all is wider than the spacing between location all and the donated date range. Okay. And I'd want to see that a bit more even.

On the top. Maybe not, but that line separator makes me feel like it's like top navigation so when I come here, and the information on the top changes a little bit. I feel a little bit confused.

You can also consider moving those Filter Filter Options near the search bar. So maybe above or below the search alternatively. So one thing I'm curious I'm like I don't know if you've marked this up but I'm really curious to see what the send thank you note flow looks like.

So it's, it feels like I guess what I'm saying is a different way saying this is like it feels like the send thank you note button is clickable right now, but I'm confused about what that flow sends me to do given that I haven't selected anything yet. And so I would expect if that sounds like you know if you do want to like keep that there, maybe it should be disabled or look a bit more disabled.

I would expect to have sorting options for every single column.

I think it's redundant information and you don't need the date ranges on each card because you have it in the filter.

At the bottom pagination, the arrows the one or five or five, I would wrap that number with like arrows on either side. So it's like a left arrow, and then I don't think you need one slash five, five, I think you could just say like, one of five and then the right arrow, so like left arrow, text, right arrow.

Also possibly consider putting the Find a Project on top, with a search filter next to the title.

Mobile: The send thank you button when not selected to be greyed out. | | Participant 3 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Desktop: Yeah, everything's pretty clean, straightforward.

Mobile: It all makes sense. | Desktop: In my nonprofit, it does not make sense to have expenses since there are many types of expenses. You are better off showing an overview of donations.

Desktop: The search bar is longer than the above card.

Mobile: The options on the top bar are not center-aligned. | Desktop: Super simple. | Desktop: No. | | Participant 4 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Desktop: simple I guess would be correct like it's its utility I would use that as a second word and then yeah, it's professional.

Mobile: Clean and utile. | Desktop: But this beige is usually for me pretty off-putting, but I understand you want the contrast? Between like the white menu to the left, and then, what do you call it? And the rest of the dashboard or at least that's just like, how my screen is showing it. It's kind of an Off-Page screen.

Mobile: More contrast with tile vs background. | Desktop: Also informative and utility search showing me you know, the donors, the spring, you know, like total donations, all of that.

Mobile: Clean and utile. | Desktop: No.

Mobile: Just the contrast. |

Task 1: Find a project and its details in Brazil

Assumption 1: Clicks Total Donations KPI Card.

Assumption 2: Clicks Admin Expenses Card. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 UX Designer 31 Male Desktop: Average
Mobile: Average Desktop: Having this find project be in this place (top right), and having the two cards graphs down here because kinda like you read left the right and as I'm going through water projects funded people served. I would see find a project that might provide that the jump out a little bit more.

Mobile: Also having the find a project on the top so it's more prominent and so I do not have to scroll. | Desktop: Potentially try having this find project up here on the top right and having these (graphs) to be down here.

Mobile: Not really, basically what I mentioned in changing the ordering of the cards for Find My Project. | | Participant 2 | UX Engineer | 35 | Male | Desktop: Average Mobile: Average | Desktop: No. Mobile: No. | Desktop: Moving the Find a Project to the top with the search bar next to the title as I said earlier.

Mobile: Moving the Find a Project to the top of the tiles would help me see it first, I would not have to scroll down. | | Participant 3 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Desktop: Easy | Desktop: No Mobile: Nope. | Desktop: Move this all the way to the top.

Mobile: Same what I said for desktop basically, but move this tile to the top. | | Participant 4 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Desktop: Average Mobile: Easy | Desktop: Not really. Mobile: No. | Desktop: No. Mobile: Not really. |

Task 2: Tell me the amount difference between expense and donation in the current month

Assumption 1: Clicks Total Donations KPI Card.

Assumption 2: Clicks Admin Expenses Card. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 UX Designer 31 Male Desktop: Easy
Mobile: Easy Desktop: I might experiment with making this type a little bit bigger. Because you know, potentially, it's kind of small. I wonder what the user persona for like employees that work at Charity Water are all young, or there are some older people, vision impairments, things of that nature.

Mobile: Just like I mentioned before, maybe some bigger type here and then maybe kind of put in those numbers to represent there in a piece. I tried. If I saw a big 300 and a 1 million here, it would have been a little bit easier to do the math. That makes sense. | Desktop: Maybe breaking this down in terms of percentage, so expenses represent like 30% and donations represent maybe like 70 or something like that. But just to kind of have some visual here on the graph could well, like 300,000, or I don't know something like that maybe would useful, experiment.

Mobile: Same like I mentioned before, its small...but the bigger type and putting those numbers in the pie chart. | | Participant 2 | UX Engineer | 35 | Male | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: Just have something that just calculates that for you.

Mobile: Have something that calculates it for you or a visual. | Desktop: Moving the amount tabs closer to the graph since it looks disjointed.

Mobile: No. | | Participant 3 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Desktop: Average

Mobile: Easy | Desktop: The text is tiny. Mobile: The text is small. | Desktop: Everything is good. Mobile: No. | | Participant 4 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Desktop: Average Mobile: Easy | Desktop: Not really. Mobile: No complaints. | Desktop: Maybe have a dedicated project button on the left.

Mobile: Everything looks good. |

Task 3: Send a thank-you note to Stephanie Mills for her donation

Assumption 1: Clicks Alexa Gomez Name

Assumption 2: Clicks Stephanie Mills Check Box > Clicks Send Thank You Note button. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 UX Designer 31 Male Desktop: Easy
Mobile: Easy Desktop: No
Mobile: Every everything's pretty solid. Desktop: Everything makes sense to me.

Mobile: Everything is good here. | | Participant 2 | UX Engineer | 35 | Male | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: Having the button be grey and then colorized when a checkbox is clicked.

Mobile: Have the Sent pop up in a different location instead of the bottom. Maybe in the center. | Desktop: It's good, just what I mentioned before about the button.

Mobile: The note sent to pop up as I mentioned earlier. | | Participant 3 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: My eyes naturally travel to the thank you button.

Mobile: No. | Desktop: Everything is fine.

Mobile: No. | | Participant 4 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: No

Mobile: Nope | Desktop: Everything is sufficient.

Mobile: Honestly, nothing I would change. |

Task 4: Filter by The Well Donors

Assumption 1: Manually clicks The Well Donors checkboxes.

Assumption 2: Clicks All Filter Button > Clicks Private (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 UX Designer 31 Male Desktop: Easy
Mobile: Easy Desktop: No.
Mobile: In terms of this now, makes sense. I can filter by location donors here on this page, how to update the data. Only concerned if the filter names like The Well get longer (how does that fit). Desktop: And this did take me a little while to realize but again, maybe there's some opportunity to increase sizing here on the filter text or icon. Bringing a little bit more into view by here I see.

Mobile: No, I like that the filtering functionality is kind of top-level because again, the filtering via the data is the most important task here. It seems I could filter reflects in my data, I go here and search for donators. So yeah. | | Participant 2 | UX Engineer | 35 | Male | Desktop: Average Mobile: Easy | Desktop: The filters are out of my peripheral vision, my eyes went to the cards then down.

Mobile: The drop-down background blends with the background. Maybe changing the color helps. | Desktop: Maybe move the filters above or next to the search or have them within the list. Or a filter icon next to the search, and when you click it all of the options show.

Mobile: Maybe have the Filter icon by itself with all of the options so the filters are not separated. | | Participant 3 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: The text is a bit small.

Mobile: The placement of it is fine. I'm wondering if you like from a mobile perspective, having these things take up so much space. Just wondering if what would it look like if you pared it down even more. Or have an Apply filter to click instead of clicking out. | Desktop: Everything is good, basically what I mentioned previously.

Mobile: It's fine. | | Participant 4 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Desktop: Easy Mobile: Easy | Desktop: It's sufficient.

Mobile: Maybe have the targets a little bigger. | Desktop: Maybe change the text box layout since it is at the top.

Mobile: Not really. |

Closing Questions