Warm-Up Questions

Participant Occupation Age Gender Please take some time to browse the homepage, based on what you have seen - what words could you use to describe the homepage? Is there anything else you would change about the homepage? Please take some time to browse the daily standup channel, based on what you have seen - what words could you use to describe the page? Is there anything else you would change about the daily standup channel?
Participant 1 Marketing Analyst 31 Female Um, I mean, I feel like this really reminds me of slack with the team threads like it's just like the different channels that are offered depending on the different topics. I think live threads are, I'm assuming live threads are like meetings that people can chime into or upcoming meetings that are coming up. And then private threads are just like personal like PMS that you're sending to your co-workers or your friends. And then yeah, I mean, it seems pretty like clean and slick in it's very familiar to what I've seen on Slack, so it's good. Yeah.
No, I don't think so. Okay, that I can think of at the moment. Yeah.
Like-kind of like Snapchat, it's videos that people have posted within the channel. Oh, like scroll through. And click Show. Um, yeah, I mean, I think with this page, it's very like, it's, it's like very succinct. I like that. There's like a very chronological timeline here. So like with the dates and like the time so then you can know like, at what time when person posted and so I can see how like this method would be like, really easy to digest for people because like, the user has the option to like click on the video at their own comfort and time rather than like having to sit down with everyone going rounds introducing themselves and like talking about what they're going to do for the day. So I can see it being a very quick, easy, accessible, the timeline for the day.

I don't think there's anything I want to change. It's pretty straightforward, like a timeline transcript. Like right now this is in carousel form, but I'm like, if I were to click List, I'm sure like this will change it to a list instead, which is nice. | | Participant 2 | Accountant | 28 | Female | Organized I don't know clean like it's just everything seems very laid out, I guess how I would describe it. So it takes out a lot of the guesswork of where you're posting where things are. I'm assuming there's like an Oh yeah, the little purple circle as a notification to let you know that you've been or sent a message or something. | The number within it looks small for the DM. | it's really cool. Seems like it's very straight to the point. I like that you have the transcript. | No, I don't think so. I'm having the time set the videos were posted and stuff like that. It's really helpful. Yeah, I think it's cool.

| | Participant 3 | Director of Operations | 41 | Male | Very slack like Slack if it were discord and had discord colors nice, but it's all organized I mean that's the team threads and then private threads and, you know active live threads. That's all you know. It's pretty straightforward you know the menu bar down below for searching and for starting a video. And then I guess this is like DMS or messages and then your profile like that's it's pretty straightforward. This is yeah, not a really complicated paradigm. So perfect, well-trodden path. | No, no, this is all. Again, layout-wise and in terms of like colors and everything, you know, there's a good contrast. There's a good layout. It's pretty it's clear as to what is what's here.

| But everything else is like a spot-on for mobile UI design like the carousel-like you got the video front and center. It's nice and big. You've got plenty of context as to where you are, you know, this is the daily standup you can see the members you know, this is you know, very reminiscent of slack as well. The concept but otherwise the concept is like bang on.

Like if slack is anything like this again, I haven't used it so I can't say your name but if it is like that'd be pretty dope. | What this reminds me of the carousel reminds me of is almost like Instagram and Tiktok it's very, you know, you've got the tiles somewhere in terms of everybody that might be like your grandson but anyway, ahead. The only thing that stands out to me as a little awkward in terms of placement is the switch between list and carousel. I don't know where I would personally put that differently.

The other thing though, as well as that the timeline and the transcript buttons to me look a little bit too small to really register as like topical areas. In addition to liking the listing carousel, just the size of them is a little bit too small. | | Participant 4 | Product Designer | 33 | Male | I think everything's pretty just clean everything seems organized. | Like maybe like a one or like a red recording button where the live threads are like to the right-hand side. So we're like, oh, this is live or that like, see that a lot like on YouTube and different things. Maybe that'll communicate that But besides that, everything's cool. | Interesting, I love that. It's such a big image that's so prominent. Right off the bat I kind of have some quasi so there are 10 members in this I'm guessing that this is a pre-recorded video. And then I can kind of swipe through all the different members’ pre-recorded videos. So my only and I get to see lists and carousel cats cool. | I might play around with the placement of that list carousel thing, but not a huge thing.

I would say for example, because and again, not that you have to iron this out, I'm just saying in terms of like product thinking and you whatever, like if someone on their stand up says, hey, you know, I'm blocked because XYZ I need to be able to respond and be like, Okay, well, why are you blocked or like how I'm going to help this person get unblocked? Right, so that seems like a pretty important thing to be able to respond to someone. So yeah, leaving a voice message makes sense to me.

I mean, definitely the timeline aspect, the kind of active state of the video, |

Task 1: You are running late for your daily standup meeting and can’t make it. Instead, you send an async video to the daily stand-up channel. How do you do that?

Assumption 1: Clicks Daily Standup channel > Records video. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Assumption 2: Clicks aperture button > Records video. (Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 Marketing Analyst 31 Female Easy No
I don't think there's anything that I would change.
Participant 2 Accountant 28 Female Pretty easy. Um, no, I think the placements are good. I like that. This all makes sense. Looks good.
Participant 3 Director of Operations 41 Male Easy. Nope. It's just like within the daily standup thread. There was nothing indicating to me that if I knew I could create a video here but until I go through with it there's nothing directly telling me like post video to the channel. Now that I know it. I know that I can do that. It's almost like a keyboard shortcut like I don't know that command C can be a copy-paste. I know I can always right so like right-click the right-click paste.
Participant 4 Product Designer 33 Male Average I would say maybe like playing around with the record button. For some reason, even though you had explained earlier about the aperture button, my brain when I was thinking about Oh, where'd I go to record I wasn't thinking about this bottom menu navigation. I was still thinking like somewhere here. But then I was like, Oh, okay here and then maybe if this would have been like a record red dot button, it would have been more transparent to me. But also, I tried to think back on it. This middle menu navigation was the record feature to do this right.

Task 2: You received a private message from Kelly Wentworth about a task, and want to send her a private message.

Assumption 1: Clicks Jenny Lane > Records Video. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  , Participant 4 ☑️  )

Assumption 2: Clicks aperture > Records Video.

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 Marketing Analyst 31 Female Easy No
I think it was pretty straightforward.
Participant 2 Accountant 28 Female Average No
I would have liked a way to send the message directly after listening to Kelly's message.
Participant 3 Director of Operations 41 Male Easy
No if this whole apple only is async video then I would say you might want to have this button (record) be like stand out from the rest not maybe use the same purple, but maybe give it like a button element around it and just to give it some like specialness because like searches obvious home is obvious using purple to indicate which part of the UI you're in. But you know, when I'm hearing direct messages, or I'm looking at Kelly's video, you know, being able to know that like, look this can do something and maybe the context is different like it does the thing that the app is made for being able to highlight that with color or like a button or an outline or something like that might be something worth exploring.
Participant 4 Product Designer 33 Male Average I think having a reply back or like record response, like directly when the video stops playing and it ends there, maybe something along those lines would help and then, again, kind of grouping or doing like threads of messages. And maybe that's what I would see in a timeline or something along those lines because maybe we're working on a project two weeks ago, we were talking about something and there are five videos related to that one thing, but now I got a new personal message. And now we're gonna go back and forth about some new tasks is totally unrelated. Um, I mean, I think like once you were to if you were to start thinking through some of those points that I just said that I think potentially placement stuff could change, like, how would you communicate these three videos or in a thread and related to one another in this UI or interface, right? How would you respond to a video that just like, does the video keep playing through messages how it works on the other channel, or once I see the new message, it stops and I have a call to action to respond right from there, and it doesn't continue unless I want to continue watching past videos like all these questions being answered and explored, I think would change the placement of certain elements.

Task 3: You are in a public space and don’t have headphones. You want to look at the async video Kelly Wentworth sent you. Instead, you can read the transcription Kelly sent for that video. How would you do that?

Assumption 1: Clicks Kelly Wentworth > Clicks Transcript. (Participant 1 ☑️  , Participant 2 ☑️  , Participant 3 ☑️  )

Assumption 2: Clicks Inbox Icon > Clicks Kelly Wentworth > Clicks Transcript. (Participant 4 ☑️  )

Participant Occupation Age Gender What was the level of difficulty for this task (Easy, Average, Hard)? Is there anything out of place and confusing to you? Do you think the overall placements for this task are sufficient or would you like to see different placements for this? If yes, what would that be?
Participant 1 Marketing Analyst 31 Female Easy No Um, no, I mean, I think it's pretty straightforward. I like there's a picture of Kelly's name, the little content with like, date to it. Probably what I've expected out of a transcript. Yeah. So it's good.
Participant 2 Accountant 28 Female Easy No, I don't have any thoughts about that.
Everything is good.
Participant 3 Director of Operations 41 Male Easy Nope. The only thing is I would make the transcript and timeline button a little buttons a little bit bigger. Other than that everything is bang on.
Participant 4 Product Designer 33 Male Easy. When I was over here, it was just a video or that so maybe, even though I saw this before, it didn't jump out at me. I mean, once I'm hearing like oh transcript, and then here I thought does it deliver the transcribed messages into like an inbox as well? Like clicked over here, but I mean, it makes sense. You know, where, to me, it would make sense to if I'm on this list view, maybe by default, the latest message just kind of has a border around it where it's like the selected state. So that way, I don't know, hey, I want to transcript is transcripts and references to this video. And then this one's selected. So I could press play, watch the video, press pause. I could leave a recording or feedback to it. And then I could scroll my finger down, select the next one and then do all that same functionality around it.

Closing Questions

Participant Occupation Age Gender How was the overall experience with navigating the Huddle? What are some ways in which the Huddle experience can be improved? Would you recommend this Huddle to others? Do you have any additional feedback or thoughts to share?
Participant 1 Marketing Analyst 31 Female Um, I think it was pretty straightforward. Again, I think it was like a pretty familiar experience with slack I think just the only difference, which is the purpose of this MVP is that it's a video format. But I think in terms of sending a video or watching a video or if not be able to watch it like watching it in transcript form like it was pretty straightforward and as someone who's using this for the first time, like, I didn't have too much difficulty figuring out like, where to go for certain things.
I can’t think of anything at the moment really have much at the moment.
Yeah, I mean, I feel like this is like a cool hybrid of snap and slack. Like literally. And they are two separate applications that I already use. And so I think, yeah, I feel like for those who kind of prefer a quick like voice or video message over having to type out every record. It's like, like, video chatting, but like for very brief video messages, I think. I think it's also there's a whole timeline so that you can go back and rewatch it because like, you know what, snappily replay one. So sometimes you can miss everything, especially because like what this is a lot more work-related. So I think that since I think the whole timeline thing is really cool, too. Yeah, I would definitely recommend this. It really is though, because I mean, it's like you know, you've two quick video messages, like a full-on video conference like zoom or Google meet. But it's like quick like a snap but then like it's work-related. So obviously like, for me sometimes like I'm a bit of a slower listener. So if it's like you know, work-related maybe there's going to be things that I miss and I think what's snap usually just like goofy messages, so you don't really need that many seconds to watch it or anything. But so that sounds like what snap as you can maybe Replay at once but I like how it this you have the whole timeline. So like, if I missed it, I can re-watch it again. Or if like not I can just easily read the transcript if I feel like I'd rather do that instead of watching the video. So it's cool. I like it.
Participant 2 Accountant 28 Female It was easy to remember everything but just Yeah, I think, for the most part, it was easy. I love this idea because I'm a person who hates meetings and just I want to send a quick message and be done with it. Yeah, I like the way it feels familiar in the same way that slack does and discord and everything. So that is definitely helpful in navigating the app. Yeah, good job.
Yeah, just direct messaging within a private thread and a way to see how people respond or if people responded to a particular video instead of having everything be timestamp. Yeah, we talked about it last night. So just those two things. Yes. Nope.
Participant 3 Director of Operations 41 Male Easy
Nothing from what we already discussed.
Yeah. No.
Participant 4 Product Designer 33 Male Easy. Yeah, so my thought, I think you did a great job with the UI on this app. Like I really like it visually. I love the concept of this video and messaging perspective. I just think a little bit, kind of some more tree branch of expiration in terms of like the functionality and how things flow. I would do some like a little bit of exploration with that. For example here like I really like list view versus carousel personally, or even with Yeah, just like some of those ideas, like kind of how do you thread things or group things, the architecture, how long do these videos last and stay? How do I know what transcript I'm viewing? Is it positioning is it so all those kinds of like? Product thinking stuff, it's just kind of where I would focus on it. But I think the UI is really good and dope and it is an easy-to-use app and I love that concept.
I would just say like now is would be a good time because I think as a macro, it's really strong and UI as good as a good idea. And now just like those super small little details, and of starting to architect those out and see what the best decision making on those small decisions would be so you know, abusers just autoplay feel more natural to them in this application or having something where it is okay, play on this one. pause on this one. Leave a comment like and I think, for example, commenting is going to be something as important, and then how do you comment back with voice or video? And then how do you kind of link all these things that are related in this app together? I think that's probably a big pain point that you'd have to solve for users. How are all these videos and voice messages related to a thing or a concept or problem? How do you group things right? So I know what's related to one another. So like product thinking things like that, I think are like the next kind of details of tackle now that you have a solid foundation and I think yeah, experimenting with Hey, do users like autoplay for this type of app? Or does pause play make more sense and like for example, like I like this ListView and then here I could have this video selected do certain actions scroll down, click one. That makes sense to me. And also down here, the way that you are recording your own stuff by pressing this button. Maybe that recorded call to action is actually inside the page that we're on because right now I believe we're in the active state of home, Yeah, I mean, I think it's I mean, I get I love the idea of video and voice messages. And using that to make things more efficient. I think it was just some tweaks and it's kind of some of those little details. It could be really awesome. I already said everything.