The Role
Text fields are an essential component in a design system that provides a way for users to enter and edit text. The visual representation of text fields should be consistent across the design system to ensure a cohesive user experience.
When designing text fields, it's important to consider the following best practices:
- Size and placement: The size and placement of the text fields should be consistent and should match the overall look and feel of the design system.
- Label placement: The label for the text field should be clear and easy to understand, and it should be placed in a consistent location, such as above or to the side of the text field.
- Input validation: Text fields should be designed to validate input, ensuring that the user is entering the correct type of data, such as a phone number or email address.
- Interaction: The interaction of the text fields should be intuitive and consistent with the overall design system. For example, the text field should be highlighted when the user clicks or taps on it, and it should provide clear feedback when the user enters incorrect data.
By following these best practices, text fields can help to create a more user-friendly and consistent design system.
General Anatomy
Below is the general anatomy of how the (new) button for GoFundMe would look like:
Text Field Anatomy
Text Fields
Text fields let users enter and edit text. Text fields should stand out and indicate that users can input information. It’s important their states are clearly distint when the user interacts with them.
General Text Field Anatomy