We have shared interest groups that are Juror-organised. If you want to join a club, message the club owner.

If you have a hobby that you want to get a group around:

  1. let the People team know, then
  2. create a private Slack channel named #social-[NAME]club (e.g. #social-bookclub) and announce in the #social channel.

<aside> <img src="/icons/cash_gray.svg" alt="/icons/cash_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Each club can spend $25/£20/€23* per club member per quarter, up to a quarterly maximum of $275/£300/€345, to spend on a club activity.

Only the club owner can spend the money, and must approve spend with the People team ****beforehand. If you aren't sure whether you can use the budget toward something you'd like to do/get, ask the People team.
