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What we love about this handbook section

🖤 This is a perfect template you can use as a business if you are thinking about creating Team or Manager ReadMe’s. The fact that Accurx share this on their Handbook suggests to applicants that they care about this, and care about how to work with each other. This is very powerful when done well.

****Check out their entire handbook for inspiration here: 🔗Accurx's full handbook


What is a ways of working doc?

A ways of working doc (sometimes referred to as your "user manual") is a great way to communicate with people in your team, and across the company, a bit about what to expect from working with you. You can tweak it over time and is easy to give to a new team if you move.

There's no "right" way to write this document - but the purpose it should serve should be fairly similar across them. You want to give people an insight into some of your working patterns, communication style, motivators, and even some of your traits you are less proud of (we all have them!)

Why do this?

It takes a long time to build psychological safety and trust in teams. This often means it can be hard to work out what makes others tick, or feel more put out if they do something we don't expect in a meeting (e.g. being challenged openly: some people come to expect or even relish this. Others might find this a nerve wracking experience) This doc can help give this understanding a bit of a boost, especially in the early days of being in a team.

It can also give others the space to "call you out" on areas you know you are trying to improve, and vice versa.

What isn't it?

Whilst in your ways of working doc, there will likely be things that aren't so "ideal" about you, this doesn't give you carte blanche to do those things. Some of these things you may be trying to actively work on, some may be a pretty engrained part of your personality and are more of an FYI.

For example, the doc is not...

The doc may say something like...