Prolific’s Disability & Reasonable Adjustments Policy

At Prolific, we want to make sure that all our employees are comfortable letting us know if they have a disability or long-term condition. We will do our best to make any necessary changes to support them and make them feel confident in their work.

Where reasonably possible, Prolific will make changes to make sure that disabled or neurodiverse employees aren't at a disadvantage compared to other employees who don't have those conditions - this is required by the Equality Act 2010.

What is a reasonable adjustment?

A reasonable adjustment is specific to the employee and it could be as simple as:


The only time that less fair treatment is allowed is when:

Requesting a Reasonable Adjustment

Once you join Prolific, you can submit a request for a reasonable adjustment. All communication between the employee, their manager and the People team about reasonable adjustments will be confidential 🔒
